Placenta Education
The placenta plays a crucial role during pregnancy. Find out what it does, how the placenta is delivered, and ways that it is preserved or honored during postpartum!
What does it mean to have your placenta encapsulated? This might be a weird or odd concept for most. The practice of consumption has been around since 1578! Check out the weblink below to read about some amazing historical facts about how placentas have been deemed sacred, symbolized as a new beginnings for mother and baby, and how TCM practice came about!
Birth & Placenta - Common questions
Can I encapsulate if I’m induced, have a Caesarean section or a medicated birth?
Yes. The placenta acts as a filter, filtering out toxins and sending them back to the mother’s liver to be detoxed from the system. If you are on medication during your pregnancy we ask you to seek advice from your doula before deciding on placenta encapsulation.
Can I use my placenta if I have a water birth?
Yes, The process I use is called TCM. This helps kill the bad bacteria.
Most of the time though, you will be removed from the pool or tub to birth the placenta.
What about meconium? If meconium is stained or on my placenta.. can I still ingest?
Meconium is sterile, does not contain the fecal bacteria that normal stool does and therefore is perfectly fine to encapsulate.
Can I delay cord clamping if I am encapsulating my placenta?
Delaying cord clamping will not have any negative effect on your placenta.
What if I am Group B Strep positive (GBS), had COVID, or have an infection and need antibiotics, will I still be able to use my placenta?
Group B streptococcus (GBS) is one of the normal bacterias that can be found in a pregnant woman’s vagina or rectum.
At  around 36 weeks gestation you will be tested to alert your care provider for this to become a problem during labour. Some women choose to be treated for it and others don’t. For other illnesses including COVID, FLU, RSV, ect. as long as you are not running a fever during your labor and show signs of possible infection in the body you can take your placenta home.Â
Regardless of your choice, your placenta can still  be encapsulated as the high heat of steaming and/or dehydration will eliminate any remaining bacteria.
Can I have my placenta encapsulated if my baby is premature?
Most defiantly! Placenta can help with milk production and other benefits to help baby strive.
Can I have my placenta encapsulated if it was sent to pathology for testing?
This is tricky. You will have to make sure to request that no chemicals are added or applied to the placenta. I recommend cutting a piece from the placenta for them to test on to ensure that your placenta is safe and collected properly with no endangerment of losing your beautiful organ.
Can I have my placenta encapsulated and also do cord blood banking?
Yes you can do both!
Can I have my placenta encapsulated if it has been frozen?
Typically, I pick up the placenta within 2 hours. There is no need to freeze your placenta for encapsulation. You will follow the guided instructions provided with your placenta kit.
Can I have a tincture made as well as have my placenta encapsulated?
Yes, A placenta tincture is made from taking a very small portion of steamed or dehydrated placenta, whichever is preferred, and placing it in a prepared solution of high grade alcohol for a minimum of 6 weeks. Typically, when mom has completed her capsules, the tincture is ready to be delivered.
Placenta Preparation - Common Questions
What is encapsulation?
Placenta Encapsulation is the process of turning raw placenta in to safe to consume capsules, similar to herbal supplements. Placenta goes through a verified set of processes, From Womb to Arms Doula Services use the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) method that has been used since Raven Lang had introduced North America to it in 1980. The capsules end up being steamed, dehydrated, ground in to fine powder, then manually filled in to capsules.
What can you do with your placenta after birth?
Of course, your are reading this because you are interested in encapsulation. There are actually, safe practices that you can do such as a burial ceremony, planting a tree with part of your placenta, ect. THIS IS YOUR ORGAN! You have every right to do as you please with it.
What can I hope to expect from taking my own placenta capsules?
Check out the benefits section.
There are SEVERAL benefits and maybe even more that are not noted on my site. I always encourage expecting parents to do their research.
How do I know the placenta remedies are from my placenta and not someone else’s?
Your placenta bag is labeled and that label travels with the placenta through the whole process. I do not process more then one placenta at a time to ensure that safety protocols are taken.
How many pills will my placenta make?
You can expect your placenta to yield 90-200+ capsules.
How long will my capsules last?
Stored properly, they can last up to 2 years in a dark cupboard. Most women will receive enough capsules to last between 4 – 8 weeks postpartum.
Will I experience any side effects when taking my placenta capsules?
We highly recommend you follow the care instructions. Storing your placenta capsules properly, avoiding TCM capsules when ill and not taking more than the recommended dose will reduce your chances of experiencing any side effects.
However, if you experience any side effect which you suspect is caused by your capsules, please stop taking them immediately. Please inform us without delay and seek medical advice.
When should I not take placenta capsules?
According to the TCM principles of using placenta, it is recommended that the capsules are not taken if the mother is experiencing symptoms of an infection, fever, cold/flu, including mastitis. This is due to the energetics of the placenta being ‘warming and ascending’. It is viewed that adding this energy onto an already ‘warm’ condition is thought to worsen the symptoms and delay the rebalancing of homeostasis. Only once your symptoms have subsided should you start taking your placenta capsules again.
Do not take placenta capsules while you are pregnant because of their hormone levels.
Do placenta pills go bad?
Yes they can. The pills have a best before date and must be consumed accordingly. It is also important to store your pills correctly. Traditional Chinese Medicine capsules should be consumed within 6 months of birth. Capsules should be stored in a cool, dry place, but not in the fridge.
Do you offer tincture?
Yes I do!
A placenta tincture is made by infusing dehydrated placenta in alcohol - we use a high-quality, gluten-free vodka. The preparation time is approximately six weeks. Placenta tincture may be used after the capsules are gone in times of stress, anxiety and emotional lows.
This is an additional add on fee that can be paid as late as when placenta has been preserved.

The BENEFITS are out of this world!
Here is a list of benefits for placenta encapsulation
Reported benefits from mamas who have used my services
More energy
Has helped with baby blues or has kept them away
Lessoned PPD or avoided it all together
Has aided with mood and hormone stability
Increased milk supply
Assisted with bonding
Increased iron levels
Decreased postnatal bleeding
Bounce back to prebaby - uterus, weight, and overall health
Overall wonderful response
Nutritional Facts
Hormones Facts
**These Facts were obtained by NPR and Evidence Based Birth and by doing my own research from other professionals around the country and world. Please do your own due diligence and ALWAYS talk with your physician as FROM WOMB TO ARMS IS NOT LIABLE FOR ANY OR ALL side effects, reactions, ect. if you choose to ingest placenta encapsulation processed by us or with another skilled professional. **