Answers to your Questions
I want you to feel safe and sure about everything to do with your birthing experience. Read some frequently asked questions about my business and my services. If you still haven’t found the answer you are looking for, feel free to get in touch with me.
Why did you become a doula?
After our births were provider controlled and not birthing mama controlled, it led to our desire of being able to help parents learn more about advocating what they want and need at the time instead of feeling pressured.
We are both mamas of two kiddos and have personally experienced different aspects of births.
What does your fees cover?
Check out the page of the list of services. It list in detail what each package covers and offers. If you would like more in-depth details please book a FREE consultation with one of the providing doulas; Sarah and Tamy.
Communication Access?
I am available M-F 9am-4pm via Chat box on the right hand of the screen, social media, and text/call. Once potential client has signed and paid for services, our personal phone, work phone, email, and chat box is ALWAYS available. We honestly try to limit to work hours as stated above, and 24-7 access at 35ish weeks or depending on how pregnancy is progressing.
Yes, we are Certified Birth Coach aka Doula. We both thrive in all aspects of births and assist as FULL spectrum Doulas. We are not limited to ONLY natural nonmedicated births. We are skilled and have experiences in natural nonmedicated, natural medicated, VBAC, and Cesarean Births. We have also taken DONA APPROVED classes to become a Certified Birth Educator, Breastfeeding Educator/Supporter.
How many clients per month?
We accept 2-3 births per month per Doula. We do not limit ourselves to private prenatal, postpartum, or placenta encapsulation.
Are there REAL benefits of hiring a doula?
Heck yes!
Cesarean (c-section) rate is reduced by 50%
Labor can be reduced by 25%
The chances of requesting for an epidural if planning for a non-medicated birth is reduced by 60%
Overall request for ALL pain medications is reduced by 30%
Medical interventions is reduced to 40%
Need for Oxytocin during labor and birth is reduced by 40%
Women and partners have reported being more calm and relaxed during labor, birth, and postpartum
Higher APGAR score for babies (heart rate, respiration, and muscle tone)
What is placenta encapsulation and what are the benefits?
Placenta Encapsulation is the process of turning your beautifully made organ into a capsule. I practice the process that is called the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) method. This method is the safest process to consume your placenta. In a safe and sanitizd designated area, I steam the placenta at 220 degrees for 45 minutes to kill any possible bacteria or viruses. (Hospitals can not and will not release if mother has HIV or AIDS) Then it is dehydrated for 12+ hrs. I grind into a powder, and put into capsules. This process is completed with one placenta at a time to avoid cross contamination and a label follows that placenta until placed into jar with clients name labeled on the jar. It can take 2-3 days to complete entire process. With this in mind though, I am a birth doula. If I am called to attend a client in labor the process will be paused and safely stored until I can return to complete process. This can cause a delay in receiving your placenta within the 2-3 day time frame and client will be notified of the delay as soon as possible.
List of benefits:
Higher energy levels
Lesser chance of baby blues
Lesser chance of postpartum depression
Balanced mood and hormones
Increased milk supply
Enhanced bonding experience with baby
Higher iron levels
Reduced postnatal bleeding
Uterus returning back to pre-pregnancy size faster
Losing the baby weight faster
Overall faster and better recovery from having the baby